Pick Your Flavor of Ultramarine

Latest Release: 40 (Lost Umbrella)


The Flagship Edition with the latest and greatest software and our best polish. Powered by Budgie Desktop. (Recommended)


GNOME is a simple, elegant, and intuitive desktop environment with a focus on productivity.


Xfce is a lightweight but elegant desktop designed to help you squeeze the most out of your device, or revive an old one.

UltramarineKDE PlasmaScreenshot

The good old familiar KDE Plasma Desktop Environment --- simple by default, powerful when needed.


Alternatively, you can download Ultramarine from FOSS Torrents.

ARM Builds

Generic ARM EFI builds are available here.

Raw Images

Raw images to flash directly to the device. Raspberry Pi users should grab these. x86 and ARM are available here.

Ultramarine 39

Old Ultramarine 39 Builds are available here.